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Join us online August 4th & 5th as we explore what it means to decolonise dance and movement studies.

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F R I   4 T H   A U G 

S A T  5 T H   A U G 



12:00-12:15 [GMT+1] Introductory Discussion

12:15-12:45 [GMT+1] Alesha MehtaRitual as a method toward a decolonial choreographic practice

12:45-12:55 [GMT+1] Anisha Anantpurkar, Marita Matar & Ana Gabriela Hernandez | Sick of periods...Let's talk about cycles

12:55-13:05 [GMT+1] Eva Marie Gonzalez Ruskiewicz | The Decolonial Potential of Thinking Trans and Dance Together


13:05-13:20 [GMT+1] Group Discussion


13:20-13:50 [GMT+1] Dr. Swetha Mangalath | Reinvented and Reframed Aesthetics - Exploring choreographic innovations in Mohiniyattam




14:00-14:30 [GMT+1] Iris Omari Ansong | Hierarchy of Dances - A decolonial analysis of hierarchical structures in the European dance scape


14:30-15:15 [GMT+1] WORKSHOP | Beatriz Ballarin | Notions of African-Brazilian dance


15:15-15:45 [GMT+1] Polina Timinia & Anisha Anantpurkar  | Touring Russia: A new turn in Kathak




15:55-16:40 [GMT+1] WORKSHOP | Shahrzad Khorsandi | Analytical vs Intuitive Dance Practice: Is pedagogical learning the result of Colonization?

16:40-16:50 [GMT+1] Rosa Cisneros | LifeStrings screen dance work: Pushing the norm and navigating the storm through motherhood

16:50-17:00 [GMT+1] Iatua Felagai Taito | Decolonisation of Siva Samoa

17:00-17:10 [GMT+1] Maïra de Oliveira Aggio | MACACADA, study of a Brazilian monkey

17:10-17:20 [GMT+1] Group Discussion

17:30-18:00 [GMT+1] Ma. Sicarú Vásquez Orozco | Latinx bodies in dancing and dance history

18:00-18:10 [GMT+1] Closing Talk

14:00-14:15 [GMT+1] Introductory Discussion

14:15-14:45 [GMT+1] Veronica Daniela Navarro | Investigacion performativa. Una experiencia en las fronteras de Argentina y Brasil

14:45-15:10 [GMT+1] Marina Santo | Más allá de la piel

15:10-15:35 [GMT+1] Omar Guadarrama Aguirre | LA MEMORIA CONQUISTADA. Una aproximación escénico-interdisciplinaria


15:35-16:05 [GMT+1] Joss Faúndez Silva | Propuesta curricular decolonial para carrera Licenciatura en Artes mención en Danza de la Universidad de Chile




16:10-16:40 [GMT+1] Tania Medalla Contreras y Fernanda González | Creación del Archivo fotográfico Por la Danza, Chile. Activaciones afectivas y situadas de las memorias de las danzas en Chile a través de la imágenes.


16:40-17:25 [GMT+1] WORKSHOP | Josefina Zuain | Reculonizar la Danza


17:25-17:55 [GMT+1] Mántiz Apocalipstick (Juan Carlos Garcia) | Voguerxs calientes en tu area, buscan culonizar la danza. Quieres conocerlxs? (Sí) (No)




18:05-18:30 [GMT+1Cristian Waman Carbo Sumaq kawsay danzaq la danza del buen vivir

18:30-19:00 [GMT+1] Jorge Gutiérrez Salazar | Danza, cuerpo y Decolonización. La danza transmoderna como terreno de Resistencia

19:00-19:30 [GMT+1] Efe Akabani & Ve Di Lisio | CTRL + X: Dance solos

19:30-19:40 [GMT+1] Closing Talk

S P E A K E R S 


Thank You to our Collaborators

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