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Proposal Guidelines

Making a proposal for a talk can be stressful and intimidating. This page will show you what we are looking for in your proposal to make it the most successful for this conference!

2024 Call for Presentations

Dancing with Decolonisation is now accepting proposals for our 2024 Online conference on 1st August. Originally established in 2021, DwD sought to disrupt, dissect, and discuss the notion of decolonisation, what it means to decolonise dance and movement studies, if it is possible and whether that is in fact the right terminology to use. We recognize that de/coloniality may be recognized and understood in different ways by varying cultures and communities. Due to this, we take a broad view of decolonisation, allowing various interpretations addressing a broader multi-cultural understanding. We continually seek to hear from academics, artists, choreographers, and performers from around the world to share both their artistic endeavors and their research with us around this topic. 


Proposals may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese for this year's conference. Proposers will have to speak at least one of these languages to communicate with the conference board. We are always accepting new volunteers that may help us expand the languages we may communicate in.


As always we seek presentations and proposals for the following from both scholars and artists of all backgrounds for an online presentation. 


Though we accept a variety of submissions from different researchers and prospective individuals, we encourage topics around:

  •  Indigenous knowledge construction

  •  Re/de-structuring movement education

  • Choreographing society and social engagement

  • Embodiment and identity in movement practice

  •  Recognizing and engaging with indigenous aesthetics

  • Dis/ability within movement practices

  • Technological impacts on de/coloniality in dance


Submissions are due by May 28th for priority consideration, with notice being given by June 6th.

General Guidelines

​First, here is what we usually look for as a bare minimum before we translate all of our proposals to be read by our organising committee:

  • Abstracts are no longer than 250 words.

  • Within the abstract you have discussed how your presentation will be understandable to those who speak another language.

  • You have used key words related to de/coloniality within your proposal to describe what you plan to discuss. 

  • You refer to relevant frameworks of practice which situate your in communication with ongoing practice. 

By addressing each of these within your proposal, it automatically makes it through the first round of reviews.


Because we encourage a large range of participants and practices outside of academia in this event, we are not looking for overly academic proposals. However, we do look for well written proposals that explore grounding in some theory or methodology of practice, even if it is an effort to break away from that practice.

Proposal Types

Research Talks

Research talks are based in a more traditional academic discussion basis. In 15 minutes present your thesis and work with a chance for feedback after.

  • Explain your research question that you will explore with us.

  • Present grounding theories and methodologies of research.

  • Reference other works that you rely on to develop your arguments.

Works in Progress

Developing a practice? Struggling with a research question? Creating a performance? In 15 minutes explore what you are working on with an audience to receive feedback after.

  • What is the practice you are developing?

  • What questions do you need to have answered?

  • How will you use this time to get feedback on your work?

Performance / Video Talks

Is the practice you want to share recorded? Are you working in screendance? Present a video or a trailer to be watched ahead of the conference. Up to 5 minutes can be shown during the presentation, with a total of 15 minutes presentation time.

  • Have some form of video available for review with submission, it can be a trailer.

  • Make sure to discuss the central themes of the video in relation to the conference.

Workshops / Movement Classes

Working to develop a workshop or movement class and would like some feedback on its development? This is an opportunity to present a part of your practice and get feedback from others. Take 30 minutes to present part of your practice and then we will move into coversation.

  • What is the practice that you are engaging with?

  • How do you plan on engaging with an international audience?

Panel Discussions

Did you work with a team on a project? Do you want to be in conversation with others across the world? Split 30 minutes among a group (we recommend not more than 3 people) to collaboratively tackle a topic.

  • Communicate a central theme that will be discussed.

  • Discuss how you will tackle that theme within your group.

Something Else

Does your practice not seem to fit in these other categories? We welcome other explorations not mentioned here as well! Up to 30 minutes depending on the presentation.

  • Clearly explain what you plan to present in the space.

  • How will this space help you explore the topic?

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