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Maïra de Oliveira Aggio

Video Talk

Friday, 4th August: 17:00 - 17:10 [GMT+1]

Maïra is a mover artist graduated as a trapeze artist at ESAC (Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque, Brussels, Belgium) and an independent researcher. She is a mother, dancer, a yoga teacher and is currently writing her first solo show "MACACADA, study of a Brazilian monkey" where she creates in a multidisciplinary way, mixing artistic disciplines, intellectual research and criticizing the rupture between nature and culture in the western epistemology.

'MACACADA, study of a Brazilian monkey'

"MACACADA is a multidisciplinary research-creation that was born during a train trip when Maïra read Franz Kafka's short story "A report for an academy", and shouted "Eureka!". It was indeed this, Maïra had felt since her more than ten years in Europe, seen as a monkey. A Brazilian monkey. From this reflection she launches into the elaboration of a performance-conference to understand and criticize the rupture between nature and culture in the hegemonic western epistemology. Maïra also claims that a moving body, an artist, can also produce knowledge. MACACADA is a way of sewing not only the rupture between nature and culture but also the rupture between the thinking head and the moving body. For "Dancing with Decolonization" Maïra will propose the viewing of the video-art created with Raphaël Sawadogo--Mas for MACACADA (shared here below) and after this a performance-conference where she explains the research-creation through her experiences as racialized, Brazilian and circus artist woman in Europe and references from the South Global to think about the rupture of nature and culture in Western epistemology."

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