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We invite you to join us once again for Dancing with Decolonisation, an online multi-day series of events that focus on de/colonial concepts centered around dance and movement performance studies. This year the conference will take place between Friday 4th - Saturday 5th August 2023. Originally established in 2021, Dancing with Decolonisation sought to disrupt, dissect, and discuss the notion of decolonisation, what it means to decolonise dance and movement studies, if it is possible and whether that is in fact the right terminology to use.  We understand that labour engaging hegemonic power structures across borders may be engaged with this subject matter in different ways. Due to this, we take a broad view of decolonisation, allowing various interpretations addressing a broader multi-cultural understanding. Last year we heard from academics, artists, choreographers, and performers from around the world who shared both their artistic endeavors and their research with our newly formed community. We are currently open for the following equiries:


Interested in attending? Want to know more?

You can now register your interest. By registering

you will receive regular updates and will be the first to know when the programme is set and tickets are released. You can also have a say in the shaping of the conference by letting us know what you are interested in learning about.

Interested in presenting? Want to submit a proposal?

You can now submit a proposal to present/perform at Dancing with Decolonisation 2023. Please follow the link below to access our 'Call for Proposals' form and for more information.



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