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Wed 27th Jul

1pm GMT +1 start


Opening talk 


Victoria Hunter

Decolonising / Counter Mapping Dance Site

“In this lightning talk, Vicky Hunter shares some initial ideas and thoughts exploring how site dance discourse, practice and theory might be decolonised through a counter mapping approach to develop inclusivity and diversity. Site dance engages with a range of rural and urban sites infused with dynamic power relations, socio-cultural norms and localised political systems that resonate with globalised trends, movements and discourses. To date however, site dance work produced and choreographed by Indigenous and Global Majority artists has received limited attention. How might this work and its concerns be prioritised and presented and what approaches, methods and platforms might be employed to bring a decolonisation of site dance about?”


Kemelo Sehlapelo

Embodying decolonization through performance

"Through observation, research, presentation and discussion, Embodying decolonization through performance will seek to ask questions related to the intersections of racial identity and culture, making the personal political, and how these themes are or can be embodied in an artistic practice and performance."



Dance Education Panel with Dance Higher Education (DanceHE, UK), Dance Studies Association (DSA, USA), Rambert (UK) and One Dance UK (ODUK, UK)

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