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Tue 30th Aug

9am GMT +1 start



Opening talk 


Karen Berger

Exploring the Interior

"This presentation discusses a site-specific performance I created at my home, which layered family, local, Australian and international histories in order to interrogate my responsibilities, as a white person, for living in a postcolonising society. Highlighting the absurdity of European explorers' concept of discovering a new land, my theoretical foci are on border thinking (Gloria Anzaldúa) and heterotopia (Michel Foucault)."

Dr. Rebecca Weber & Carla Trim-Vamben

WeMove: Transforming Leadership in Hip Hop
"WeMove is an Arts Council England funded 'Transforming Leadership' project focused on designing and delivering a leadership development programme to inspire, support and promote changemakers from the Hip Hop community, led by a consortium of leading UK Hip Hop organisations. The programme aims to nurture future leaders to build a sustainable, innovative and representative infrastructure for Hip Hop, alongside influencing decision making within the wider cultural sector. Our evaluation research of this programme’s first cohort of participants in 2020 highlighted key learnings from its initial implementation and raised questions on how existing (Western, patriarchal, colonialist) models of leadership may need to be re-thought for our field’s future.”


Nicholas Rowe

Dance, Settler Colonialism and the Apartheid State of Israel

"This paper examines the use of dance within settler-colonial movement of the state of Israel, and the participation of European and Israeli dance artists in this history of ethnic nationalism. Through the political appropriation of embodied culture and the military suppression of embodied cultural activities and activists, dance artists have wilfully supported Apartheid practices that deny, denigrate and dispossess the lands and culture of those excluded by the Zionist colonial project."




Syrai-Tiare Taumihau

Ori Paraparau | Body Conversations

"As Pacific and Māori (Indigenous) peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand, we are faced with many challenges. Navigating and negotiating the complexities of our cultural identities and having a sense of belonging can be tough enough as it is, however, it can be even more challenging within a tertiary education context. Ori Paraparau | Body Conversations will reflect on Syrai's PhD practice-led research thus far, including an explanation of this emerging Mana Moana methodology and how/why it can decolonise a dance space. Towards the end of this presentation, the attendees are welcome to participate in an adapted online version of the physical movement exploration that is 'Body Conversations'."


Kiri Avelar, Alfdaniels Maligno & Franchesca Marisol Cabrera

Solidarities of the Marginalized as Anti-racist Dance Pedagogy: Reflections on Collaborative Advocacy from Dance Educators with Connective Marginalities

"Our critical presentations will position our voices, as Black African, Asian and Latinx dance practitioners on the margins, at the center of anti-racist pedagogical agenda. Drawing on our autoethnographic stories as testimonio and the theories of South-south connection and plática, we will critically examine how we have engaged ideas, experiences, and practices of people we share connective marginalities with to build critical consciousness and solidarities as a step towards collaborative advocacy in dance education. We will use our writing, choreography, pedagogic and community engagement experiences as sites to reimagine anti-racist dance pedagogy by explicating how marginality can act as space for racially and ethnically disempowered people to build a safe space for their critical action, empowerment, advocacy, and collaboration. Our contribution will reveal how critical consciousness and collaborative advocacy of the people on the margins frames anti-racist dance pedagogy as critical action that transcends institutional strictures and rigidities of academia. The discussion will usher participants into a world where people in communities on the margins activate agency to achieve self-empowerment and meaningful connections for, by, and with themselves."


Closing Talk

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